Population of Odisha
As per Census 2011, the total population of Odisha is 4,19,74,218 persons which is
3.47% of the Indian population.Odisha ranks 11th in terms of population in India.
Out of which, the number of male population is 2,12,12,136 and the number of
female population is 2,07,62,082. According to the Census 2011,Ganjam district of
Odisha has the highest population of 35,29,031 and Deogarh district has the lowest
population of 3,12,520.
Here is the information in tabular form:
High Population Districts (2011 Census) | Total Population | Low Population Districts (2011 Census) | Total Population |
Ganjam | 35,29,031 | Debagarh/Deogarh | 3,12,520 |
Cuttack | 26,24,470 | Boudh | 4,41,162 |
Mayurbhanj | 25,19,738 | Gajapati | 5,77,817 |
Baleshwar | 23,20,529 | Jharsuguda | 5,79,505 |
Khordha | 22,51,673 | Subarnapur | 6,10,183 |
Population Growth Rate of Odisha
As to Census 2011, the total Population Growth Rate of Odisha is 14.05%. The growth rate in rural areas is 11.8%, while the growth rate in urban areas is 26.9%. The district seeing the most significant population growth is Balangir, with a growth rate of 23.32%. The district with lowest population growth is Jagatsinghpur (7.50%).
Here’s the data in tabular form:
District | Population Growth Rate (%) | District | Population Growth Rate (%) |
High Growth Rate | Low Growth Rate | ||
Balangir | 23.32% | Jagatsinghpur | 7.50% |
Malkangiri | 21.62% | Bargarh | 10.02% |
Khordha | 19.94% | Kendrapara | 10.63% |
Nabarangpur | 19.03% | Sambalpur | 11.27% |
Boudh | 18.16% | Nayagarh | 11.37% |
Population Density of Odisha
As per Census 2011, the total population density of Odisha is 270 persons per sq km. The district of Khordha has the densest population at 800 people per square mile. Kandhamal is home to the fewest people per square mile (91).
Here’s the data in tabular form:
District | Population Density (Persons/sq km) | District | Population Density (Persons/sq km) |
High Density | Low Density | ||
Khordha | 800 | Kandhamal | 91 |
Jagatsinghpur | 682 | Malkangiri | 106 |
Cuttack | 667 | Deogarh | 106 |
Jajpur | 630 | Gajapati | 134 |
Baleshwar | 610 | Rayagada | 137 |

Sex-Ratio of Odisha
Odisha has 979 women for 1000 men, according to Census 2011. The district with highest sex-ratio of Odisha is Rayagada (1051). The district with lowest sex-ratio in the state is Nayagarh (915).
The sex-ratio among the SC population in Odisha is 987 and among the ST population is 1029. Odisha’s urban sex ratio is 932, lower than its rural ratio of 989. Census 2011 in Odisha shows 941 child sex ratio.
Here’s the data in tabular form:
District | Sex-Ratio (Females per 1000 Males) | District | Sex-Ratio (Females per 1000 Males) |
High Sex-Ratio | Low Sex-Ratio | ||
Rayagada | 1051 | Nayagarh | 915 |
Gajapati | 1043 | Khordha | 929 |
Kandhamal | 1037 | Cuttack | 940 |
Koraput | 1032 | Angul | 943 |
Nuapada | 1021 | Dhenkanal | 947 |
Literacy Rate of Odisha
According to the 2011 Census, Odisha’s literacy rate sits at 72.87%. Topping the list, Khordha boasts an impressive 86.88% literacy rate. On the other hand, Nabarangpur lags behind at 46.43%, the lowest within the state. Diving deeper, men’s literacy rate in the state reaches 81.59%, while the ladies register at 64.01%. The literacy rate stretches to 70.22% in the rural sector, but it hikes to 85.75% in the urban areas. When we look at Odisha’s SC population, the literacy rate results in 69.02%. For the ST population, it’s 52.24%. Narrowing down to males in urban regions, Khordha sees the highest literacy rate at 94.2% while Malkangiri records the lowest at 83.4%. Furthermore, rural male literacy hits a high in Jagatsinghpur at 92.5% and falls to a low in Koraput with 54.19%. Lastly, districts with the highest and lowest female literacy rates follow the same trend as their male counterparts.
Here’s the data in tabular form:
District | Literacy Rate (%) | District | Literacy Rate (%) |
High Literacy Rate | Low Literacy Rate | ||
Khordha | 86.88% | Nabarangpur | 46.43% |
Jagatsinghpur | 86.59% | Malkangiri | 48.54% |
Cuttack | 85.50% | Koraput | 49.21% |
Kendrapara | 85.15% | Rayagada | 49.76% |
Puri | 84.67% | Gajapati | 53.49% |
Rural Population of Odisha
According to the 2011 Census, Odisha has an 83.31% rural population, with Boudh (95.37%) having the highest and Khordha (51.84%) having the lowest.
Here is the data in tabular form:
District | Rural Population (%) | District | Rural Population (%) |
High Rural Population | Low Rural Population | ||
Boudh | 95.37% | Khordha | 51.84% |
Nuapada | 94.42% | Jharsuguda | 60.11% |
Kendrapara | 94.20% | Sundargarh | 64.74% |
Deogarh | 92.84% | Sambalpur | 70.41% |
Nabarangpur | 92.82% | Cuttack | 71.95% |
Urban Population of Odisha
As per Census 2011, the percentage of total urban population of Odisha is 16.69%.
The district with highest urban population in the state is Khordha (48.16%). The
district with lowest urban population in the state is Boudh (4.63%).
Here is the data in tabular form:
District | Urban Population (%) | District | Urban Population (%) |
High Urban Population | Low Urban Population | ||
Khordha | 48.16% | Boudh | 4.63% |
Jharsuguda | 39.89% | Nuapada | 5.58% |
Sundargarh | 35.26% | Kendrapara | 5.80% |
Sambalpur | 29.59% | Deogarh | 7.16% |
Cuttack | 28.05% | Nabarangpur | 7.18% |
Scheduled Caste Population in Odisha
Odisha, according to the 2011 Census, has the 11th largest Scheduled Caste population in the country. With 7,188,463 Scheduled Caste residents, they make up 17.1% of Odisha’s total folks. That’s 3.56% of India’s Scheduled Caste population. The district with the most SC folks is Subarnapur/Sonepur, with 25.6%. Gajapati, on the other hand, has the smallest, with 6.8%.
Here is the data in tabular form:
District | SC Population (%) | District | SC Population (%) |
High SC Population | Low SC Population | ||
Subarnapur/Sonepur | 25.6% | Gajapati | 6.8% |
Boudh | 23.8% | Mayurbhanj | 7.3% |
Jajpur | 23.7% | Sundargarh | 9.2% |
Malkangiri | 22.6% | Keonjhar/Kendujhar | 11.6% |
Bhadrak | 22.2% | Khordha | 13.2% |
Scheduled Tribe Population in Odisha
As outlined in the 2011 Census, Odisha ranks second for the highest proportion of Scheduled Tribe residents, just behind Madhya Pradesh. It sits amongst all the Indian states. In Odisha, the Scheduled Tribe headcount reaches 95,90,756. This forms 22.8% of the state’s overall population. Odisha holds 9.17% of India’s total Scheduled Tribe populace. Mayurbhanj leads with the most Scheduled Tribe residents at 58.7%, while Puri sits at the opposite end with the least, only 0.4%.
Here is the data in tabular form:
District | ST Population (%) | District | ST Population (%) |
High ST Population | Low ST Population | ||
Mayurbhanj | 58.7% | Puri | 0.4% |
Malkangiri | 57.8% | Kendrapara | 0.7% |
Rayagada | 56.0% | Jagatsinghpur | 0.7% |
Nabarangpur | 55.8% | Bhadrak | 2.0% |
Gajapati | 54.3% | Ganjam | 3.4% |
Religion-Wise Census of Odisha
Odisha’s religious landscape is diverse, teeming with various beliefs and traditions. A predominant chunk, or 93.63% of the population, practice Hinduism. Christianity, though second in line, draws a modest following of 2.77%. Islam, holding a 2.17% following, also contributes to the state’s religious mix. Here’s a brief snapshot of Odisha’s religions and their following:
Here is the data in tabular form:
Religion | Percentage |
Hindu | 93.63% |
Christian | 2.77% |
Muslim | 2.17% |
Other religions and persuasions | 1.14% |
Sikh | 0.05% |
Buddhist | 0.03% |
Jain | 0.02% |
Religion not stated | 0.18% |
- Which district has the lowest sex-ratio in Odisha?
- Answer: Nayagarh
- What is the literacy rate of Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: 72.87%
- Which district has the highest literacy rate in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Khordha
- Which district has the lowest literacy rate in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Nabarangpur
- Which district has the highest child population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Ganjam
- Which district has the highest rural population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Boudh
- Which district has the highest urban population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Khordha
- Which district has the highest Scheduled Caste population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Subarnapur/Sonepur
- Which district has the lowest Scheduled Caste population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Gajapati
- What is Odisha’s rank in terms of Scheduled Tribe population among all Indian states as per Census 2011?
- Answer: 2nd
- Which district has the highest Scheduled Tribe population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Mayurbhanj
- Which district has the lowest Scheduled Tribe population in Odisha as per Census 2011?
- Answer: Puri
- Which religious community has the highest concentration in Odisha?
- Answer: Hindu