- Odisha has a rich history that spans over 5,000 years. In ancient times, it was known as ‘Kalinga’, ‘Udra’ or ‘Odra Desa’. It was also called ‘Utkala’, ‘Kosala’, ‘Toshala’ and ‘Kongoda’.
- The name Odia comes from the Odra or Udra tribes. They lived in the central coastal belt of modern Odisha. Udra is the ancient name of Odisha, while Odisha is the modern name of the Kalinga Empire.
- Odisha, or Odra Desa, Udra, Kalinga, has a long history. Many strong dynasties emerged here. The history of Odisha goes back to the Lower Paleolithic era, with many archaeological finds.
- The Political history of Odisha began with the Nandas. They ruled Magadha and included Kalinga in their empire in 350 BC.
- The Mauryan dynasty, under Emperor Asoka, fought the famous Kalinga War in 260 BC. This war changed Ashoka. Then came the Chedi dynasty, followed by the Muranda dynasty.
- The Gupta dynasty took control in 350 AD and divided Kalinga into four principalities. During the Gupta period, sub-regional kingdoms emerged. These included the Matharas, Nalas, Parvatadvarkas, Mehas, Vindyatavis, and Sarbhapuriyas.
- After the Gupta period, kingdoms like the Virgrahas, Mudgalas, and Mandala states emerged. The Sailodbhava Dynasty started in 553 AD and lasted about 130 years. The Bhauma-Kara dynasty was established in the first half of the 8th century AD.
- This dynasty had many women rulers. The Somavamsi dynasty was established in the middle of the 10th century AD and ruled for 300 years. It was the last dynasty in ancient Odisha, followed by the medieval empires.
Historical Names of Odisha
- Odisha has been known by several names throughout history:
- Kalinga, named after prince Kalinga, son of king Bali and Queen Sudesna, according to Puranas and Mahabharata.
- Utkala, mentioned in Mahabharata, was part of Kalinga. Karna conquered the kingdom of Utkala, which included the northern part of Kalinga.
- Mahakantara, found during the Gupta period, is often linked to the Kalahandi and Jeypore region.
- Udra, named after the Odra tribe, was the kingdom that included the coastal region of Odisha.
- Odra, named after the Odra tribe, was the hilly kingdom between Kalinga and South Kosala.
- Oddiyana, mentioned in Buddhist texts, is sometimes linked to Odisha.
- KamalaMandala, meaning Lotus regions, was named for the Narla region in Kalahandi.
- South Kosala– named for Chhattisgarh and Western Odisha, was ruled by Kush, one of Rama’s sons, according to Ramayana.
- Kongoda, found on a copper plate in Ganjam district.
- Trikalinga-found on copper plates in Sonepur, means three Kalingas and referred to the three states of Kalinga, South Kosala, and Kongoda.
- Tosali– named for a city including subdivision of Kalinga during Asoka period.
- The capital of Tosala is now in Dhauli. Odivissa was mentioned in Buddhist texts for Odisha. Jajnagar was another name for Odisha in texts like Tarikh-i-Nasiri, Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi, etc.
Sources of Odisha History
Sources are key to understanding Odisha’s history. We learn about Odisha’s past through literary sources, foreign accounts, inscriptions, coins, and archaeological finds. These sources offer insights into Odisha’s ancient history.
Literary Sources
- Literary sources tell us about Odisha’s ancient history. Epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana mention Kalinga and Odra. They talk about the lands, the river Baitarani, and the Goddess Viraja.
- The Ramayana also talks about Kalinganagara and Gandhamardan. It mentions the regions of Mekala and Dasarna. The Kapila Samhita and Prachi Mahatmya are other sources of Odishan history.
- Puranas like Vayu Purana and Matsya Purana provide details on Kalinga and Utkala. They also talk about their legendary kings.
- Jaina and Buddhist texts shed light on ancient Odisha. They describe the people and their culture. Works like Avasyaka Niryukti and Harivamsa, and texts like Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, and Mahaparinirvana Sutta, offer insights.
- Other literary sources, such as Arthashastra of Kautilya, highlight Odisha’s political systems. Works like Baudhayana Dharmasastra and Brihat Samhita are also important.
- Foreign accounts also provide valuable information. Greek historians like Pliny and Diodorus mention the people of Kalinga. Megasthenes talks about the Gangetic Kalinga Region in his work Indica.
- Pliny divided Kalinga into three parts: Gangetic, Middle, and Kalinga. Ptolemy mentions places like Palur and Naingain. Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese pilgrim, visited Odisha in 638-39 AD and wrote about its religious conditions in Si-yu-ki.
- Archaeological finds offer a wealth of information. Valentine Bali’s 1875 exploration at Angul and other places revealed pre-historic sites in Odisha.
- Paramanada Acharya of Mayurbhanj found the famous paleolithic site at
- Kulina.
- Asokan rock art and his edicts at Dhauli and Jaugada gave
- info on Kalingan history from the 3rd century BC. Jaugada was a fortified city for Asoka’s rule.
- Udayagiri and Khandagiri caves near Bhubaneswar were homes for Jain
- monks in the 2nd century BCE.
- Manikpatna excavation showed the social, economic life, and maritime
- activities of Odisha’s people.
- Devala Mitra’s excavation at Ratnagiri revealed Buddhist monasteries and stupas.
- Udayagiri and Lalitgiri near Ratnagiri showed remains of Buddhist stupas, monasteries, and Buddha images. Sri Madhavapura Mahavihara, a Buddhist site, was at Udayagiri, from the 7th-8th century AD. These three sites, Ratnagiri, Udayagiri, and Lalitgiri, are known as the Diamond Triangle of Odisha archaeology.
- These sites also show Brahmanic religion through pottery, terracotta plaques, animal figurines, iron tools, and other remains.
- Copper plates from Talcher, Hindol, and Dhenkanal tell about Odisha’s early history.
- Inscriptions are key to understanding Odishan history. The earliest inscriptions are the pictographic projects.
- Pictographs are found in several rock shelters in Sundergarh, Sambalpur, and Kalahandi districts. Vikramkhol and Gudahandi are examples of such writings in Jharsuguda and Kalahandi.
- Inscriptions are also on copper plates, stone pieces, and temple walls. The Asokan edicts at Dhauli and Jaugada are the earliest, showing Asoka’s administration in Kalinga.
- Other inscriptions include the Hatigumpha, Bhadra, Asanapat Stone, Ningond Grant, Narla Grant, and Rithapur Grant, which provide early history.

The study of coins, or numismatics, helps understand trade, commerce, time, religion, and metallurgy. Coins from Odisha’s archaeological sites are as follows:
The Punch-Marked Coins
- The earliest coins in Odisha are punch-marked coins, used from the 4th century BC to the 4th century AD.
- These coins have marks of the Sun, animals, birds, trees, humans, and geometrical designs.
- Found mainly in coastal Odisha, these coins were made of silver and copper, irregular in shape and size.
The Puri-Kushana Coins
- The Puri-Kushana coins, found in Odisha, are Kushana coins and their imitations, from 0-3 century AD.
- These coins were found in various parts of Odisha, from Mayurbhanj to Ganjam.
The Gupta Coins
- The Gupta archer type gold coins were found at Bhanapur, Khiching, and Angul.
- These coins show trade and commerce in Odisha during the Gupta period, around 5-7 century AD.
The Nala Coins
- The Nala coins from Western Odisha shed light on the Nala rule in South Kosala from the 5th-6th century AD.
- These coins are unique because the reverse side is blank. The obverse shows a humped bull with a crescent and the king’s name in a box-headed script.
- Odisha’s temples also tell us about its ancient history.
- The Odishan style, also known as the Kalingan style, emerged in Bhubaneswar in the 6th-7th century AD.
- The Laxmanesvara, Bharatesvara, and Satrughnesvara temples mark the early days of temple architecture in Odisha.
- The temples like Lingaraj, Ananta Vasudeva, Jagannath, and Chausath Yogini contain sculptures that reveal Odisha’s secular and religious history.
Archival Sources of History
- Many sources share historical records through written documents. Newspapers and periodicals are examples.
- Utkala Dipika, Utkala Darpan, Asha, Mukuru, Sahakara are such archival sources.
- Census reports from 1801, 1901, 1911, 1921, and 1931 provide insights into Odisha’s history.
- The Odisha Museum and Department of Odisha keep literary sources that are also archival.
Pre Historic Sites in Odisha
- Odisha’s land was part of the Gondwana supercontinent, making its oldest rocks from Pre-Cambrian times.
- Stone tools from the Lower Paleolithic era were found in Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar, Sundergarh, and Sambalpur.
- Rock carvings and paintings from the Upper Paleolithic era were discovered in Gudahandi hills, Kalahandi district.
- Hoes, Chisels, grinding stones, and pounders from the Neolithic era were found in Baripada, Mayurbhanj.
- Cave paintings from the Neolithic era were found near Khariar, belonging to Yogimath.
- Other prehistoric sites include Garjan Dongar in Sundergarh, Ushakoti in Sambalpur, and Vimkramkhel in Jharsuguda district.
Ancient Kingdoms and Empires in Odisha
- In ancient times, Odisha was known as Kalinga. Kalinga was an early kingdom in central East India, covering most of Odisha and parts of Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The KalingaWar was fought by Asoka of the Mauryan Empire.
- According to Buddhist literature, Kalinga was an independent country with its capital, Dantapur. It was also mentioned in Jain Literature as a place with ivory palaces, earning it the name Dantapur.
The Nandas and Mauryan
- Kalinga was part of Magadha during the Nanda rulers. Mahapadmananda of the Nanda Dynasty became the ruler of Magadha in 362 BC and added Kalinga to his empire around 350 BC.
- The pre-Mauryan black polished potteries and punch-marked coins with four symbols are common in Asurgarh, Kalahandi, and Sonepur. They show the strong economy during the Nanda rule.
- The Hatigumpha inscription at Udayagiri in Bhubaneswar talks about the Nanda kings’ irrigation projects.
Chandragupta Maurya defeated Dhanananda, the last Nanda ruler, and started the Maurya Empire in 322 BCE.
After the Mauryas, Kalinga’s history is unclear. It’s not known when it became independent again.
The Kalinga War was between the Mauryan Empire and Kalinga in 261 BC. It’s a key event in Odishan history.
Asoka described the Battle of Kalinga in his thirteenth Rock Edict.
- Kalinga was a small but wealthy kingdom due to its trade. Asoka attacked it in 261 BC to control its trade.
- The war caused a lot of deaths, injuries, and diseases. This changed Asoka, who then became a Buddhist with help from Upagupta.
- After the war, Kalinga became part of Magadha, with Tosali as its capital. Two Kalinga edicts by Asoka are found at Dhauli and Jaugarh.
- Asoka’s Rock Edict I from Dhauli talks about his administration in Kalinga. He appointed ministers to help the Kumara Viceroy and balance his powers.
- Asoka also set up a well-organised bureaucracy. There were Antamahamatras for the border provinces, Dharma Mahamatras for spiritual upliftment, and Rajukas for the welfare of the people.
After the Mauryans, many dynasties ruled Odisha. These dynasties are discussed below:
The Mahameghavahana/ Chedi Dynasty
- Mahameghavahana founded the Mahameghavahana dynasty, also known as the Chedi dynasty.
- This dynasty ruled Kalinga after the Mauryans. Kharavela was a key ruler of this dynasty.
- He was the third ruler of the Chedi dynasty in the 1st century BC.
- Most info about Kharavela comes from the Hathigumpha inscription. He invaded the Satavahana kingdom and captured its territories.
- Kharavela was skilled in music, dance, and building. He rebuilt Kalinganagari after a cyclone. He was a devout Jaina and tolerant of other faiths.
Muranda Dynasty
- The Murandas were likely a foreign tribe. They came to India with the Kushanas. For about 200 years, 13 kings of this dynasty ruled India.
- There is a stone inscription called the Bhadraka of Maharaja Ganabhadra. It suggests that the Murandas ruled Odisha for several years.
Gupta Dynasty
- The Gupta dynasty lasted from the mid-3rd century to 590 AD. It was founded by Sri Gupta. By 350 AD, Samudragupta led his campaigns in South India.
- Kalinga was split into four main areas. These were Kottura (now Kathoor), Erandapalla (now Erandapalli), Devarashtra (Yellamachili), and Pishtapura (Pithapuram).
- The Allahabad Pillar Inscription says Samudragupta defeated Mahendragiri of Pishtapura and others. He conquered Kottura, Erandapalla, Devarashtra, and Pishtapura.
- After Samudragupta’s campaigns, the Matharas rose to power in Odisha. They were based in Mahendragiri. The Nalas took over in Bastar-Koraput and Kalahandi.
Sub-Regional Kingdoms during Gupta Period
During the Gupta period, small kingdoms emerged in coastal areas and Kalinga. Here are some of them:
The Matharas
- The Mathara dynasty ruled Kalinga from the 4th to the 5th centuries. Their territory was between Ganjam district of Odisha and Sri Kakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.
- Vardhamanpura was their capital. They were devotees of Narayana (Vishnu). Visakhavarman started the Mathara dynasty.
- They had a good administrative setup. They divided their kingdom into Panchali, Bhoga, and Vishava.
- The Matharas supported Sanskrit literature. Buddhism and Jainism declined during their rule.
- The people of Kalinga traded with South-East Asia. Dantapur, a major port, was in their territory.
- Important Mathara rulers included Visakhavarman, Umavarman, Shaktivarman, Ananta Shaktivarman, and Prabhanjanavarman.
- Umavarman became the Lord of Kalinga and built a strong empire. Shaktivarman expanded his territory and moved his capital to Pishtapura.
The Nala
- The Nala kingdom was in Trikalinga, covering parts of Koraput and Kalahandi. Pushkari was their capital.
- Vrishadhvaja founded the Nala dynasty in 400 AD. Important rulers were Varaharaja, Bhavadatta Varman, and Skandavarman. Vaishnavism revived during their rule.
The Parvatadvarkas
- The Parvatadvarkas were a lesser-known dynasty in Odisha’s history. They appeared in the Belkhandi Narla region of Kalahandi in the late 5th century AD.
- Parvatadvarka was their capital. Nandaraja and Tustikara were key rulers.
The Meghas
- In the mid-6th century AD, the Meghas entered the Kosala region. They were a significant force in the area.
- defeated by the Satavahanas in the second century AD, the Mahameghavahanas
- have established their empire in Kosala.
- They became popular as Meghas and ruled over South Kosala, which includes
- modern Raipur and Bilaspur district of Madhya Pradesh and parts of
- Sambalpur, Sundergarh, and Balangir districts of Odisha.
- The Puranas mention nine Megha kings of South Kosala who ruled
- until the invasion of Samudragupta. The last ruler was Mahendra Megha.
The Vindyatavis (Nagas)
- The Nagas ruled over Vindyatavi in the 4th century AD, covering the present Keonjhar and Dhenkanal districts.
- An inscription describes a Naga king named Satrubhanja defeating the Devaputras, who were the Kushanas and Murundas.
- Another king, Maharaja Sri Disabhanja, is mentioned in an inscription found near Sitabhinji.
The Sarbhapuriyas
- The dynasty was founded by Sarabharaja (500-525 AD). They established their kingdom in South Kosala around the 5th century AD. Their capital was Sarbhapura. Sarabharaja was succeeded by his son, Maharaja Narendra (525-555 AD).
- He was an independent ruler known for his territorial arrangements.
- Other notable rulers included Jayaraja, Surdevaraja-I, Vyaghraraja, Durgaraja, and Surdevaraja-II (the last ruler).
Sub-Regional Kingdoms after the Gupta Period
The Vigrahas
- Vigrahas rose to power in the late 6th century AD. Their centre was South Tosali, which included the undivided Balasore, Cuttack, and Puri districts.
- Prithvivigraha was a powerful ruler who fought with Mudgala king Sambhuyasa.
- His successor, Lokavigraha, then defeated Sambhuyasa.
The Mudgalas
- The Mudgalas ruled North Tosali. King Sambhuyasa was a notable Mudgala king known from three copper plate grants: Erbang, Soro, and Patiakela Charters.
- He was defeated by Vigrahas king Lokavigraha but later occupied South Tosali.
- However, the Mudgalas weakened due to their struggle with the Vigrahas and were removed from North Tosali by Durjaya King Prithvimaharaja.
The Mandala States
- Between the 7th and 9th century AD, semi-independent states emerged between Tosali and South Kosala. These kingdoms had rulers with titles like ‘Ranaka’ and ‘Samadhigata-Panchamahasabda’. These Mandalas served their sovereign kings during wars and invasions.
- Famous dynasties included the Vigrahas of Kongoda Mandala, the Gangas of Svetaka Mandala, the Bhanjas of Khinjali Mandala and Khijjinga Mandala, the Sulkis of Kodalaka Mandala, the Tungas of Yamagartta Mandala, and the Mayuras of Banai Mandala.
Sailodbhava Dynasty
- Ranabhita founded this dynasty in 553 AD. Scholars say the Sailodhlavas were either a branch of the Ganja family or Saila dynasty of Madhya Pradesh.
- They are also linked to the Sailaja Tribes in the rocky Kalinga region.
- They ruled from coastal Odisha to Mahanadi, Mahendragiri in Paralakhemundi, and Ganjam. This area was known as the Kongoda Mandala.
- Key rulers include Ranabhita (553-575AD), Madhavaraja (575-600 AD), Ayasobhita (600-615AD), and Madhavraja (615-655AD).
- Madhyamaraja I (665-615 AD), Dharmaraja II (695-725AD), and Madhyamaraja II also ruled. Madhyamraja III was the last ruler, after which the Bhauma-Kara kings took over.
- The Parashurameshvara Shiva temple at Bhubaneswar was built in 650 AD by the Sailobhava rulers. They followed Shaivism.
Bhauma-Kara Dynasty
- In the early 8th century AD, the Bhauma-Kara dynasty ruled the coastal belt of Odisha. Their capital was Guhadevapataka, near modern Jajpur.
- Early rulers called themselves Bhauma, while later ones called themselves Kara. Thus, they are known as Bhauma-Kara.
- Kshemankaradeva was the founder of this dynasty. Important rulers were Sivakaradeva I (736-783AD), Subhakaradeva I (780-800AD), and Sivakaradeva II (800-820AD).
- Shantikaradeva I (820-835AD) and others also ruled. The last ruler was Subhakaradeva V (905-910AD). Queens also ruled this dynasty, with great success.
Female Rulers of Bhauma-Kara Dynasty
- Tribhuvana Mahadevi I (845-850AD) was the first woman ruler. She was the widow of Shaktikaradeva I.
- Next were Tribhuvana Mahadevi II (890-896AD) and Tribhuvana Mahadevi III (896-905AD).
- After Subhakaradeva ‘V’, four female rulers followed. Gauri Mahadevi, the queen of Subhakaradeva V, was the first. She built the Gauri temple at Bhubaneswar.
- Gauri Mahadevi was succeeded by her daughter Dandi Mahadevi. She ensured the kingdom’s prosperity and secured its borders.
- Dandi Mahadevi was succeeded by her step mother Vakula Mahadevi, a Bhanja princess.
- Dharma Mahadevi, the wife of Shantikaradeva III, succeeded Vakula Mahadevi. She was the last known ruler of the Bhauma-Kara dynasty.
Administration, Economy, Society and Religion
- The Bhauma-Kara dynasty provided a stable administration to the people.
- They followed the law of primogeniture, where the firstborn inherits the throne.
- During the Bhauma-Kara period, there was a rule that the eldest son would inherit the throne. However, the Bhauma queens were an exception to this rule.
- The main industry during the Bhauma-Kara period was cloth manufacturing.
- Odisha had trade connections with Ceylon, China, and South-East Asia during the Bhauma period.
- Although the Bhauma rulers were Buddhists, they also accepted Saivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism. They tried to enforce the Varnashrama system, dividing society into four castes.
- The Somavamsi Dynasty, also known as the Panduvamsis, ruled Odisha from the 9th to the 12th century AD.
- Udayana founded this dynasty. The Somavamsis unified Kalinga, Utkala, Kongoda, and Kosala under one rule.
- This brought an end to anarchy and confusion in the state. It led to a cultural synthesis, creating a unique Odia culture.
- Important rulers of the Somavamsi dynasty included Mahabhavagupta Janmejaya I, Mahasivagupta Yayati I, Bhimaratha Mahasivagupta I, Janmejaya II, Puranjaya I, and Karnadeva.
Karnadeva was the last ruler of this dynasty.
- Chandihara Yayati II started the construction of the Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneswar. Udyotakesari Mahabhavagupta completed it.
- The Somavamsis provided a strong administration. They ruled over a large territory in Odisha, including present-day districts.
- They shifted their capitals from Vinitapura to Yayatinagara (Jajpur). The kingdom was divided into Mandalas, Bhuktis, Bhoga, Khanda, and Grama.
- The Somavamsis believed in Brahmanism. They performed vedic rituals and supported Brahmans.
Timeline Of Ancient History Of Odisha
Year | Event |
350 BCE | Kalinga conquered by Mahapadmananda |
261 BCE | Kalinga War and conquered by Asoka |
100 BCE | Meghavahana established Mahameghavahana dynasty |
350 CE | Kalinga conquered by Samudragupta |
639 CE | Hiuen-Tsang visits Odra/Udra |
650 CE | Parashurameshvara temple built by Sailodbhava rulers |
845 CE | First female ruler Tribhuvana Mahadevi |
882 CE | Janmejaya I establishes Somavamsis Dynasty |
1100 CE | Lingaraj temple built by Somavamsi rulers |
- What was the ancient name of Odisha?
- Odisha was known as Kalinga in ancient times.
- Who was the most notable ruler of the Chedi dynasty?
- King Kharavela is the most notable ruler of the Chedi dynasty.
- What significant war took place in Odisha’s history?
- The Kalinga War, fought between the Mauryan Empire and Kalinga, was a significant event.
- What are some important archaeological sites in Odisha?
- Udayagiri and Khandagiri caves, as well as the Diamond Triangle (Ratnagiri, Udayagiri, Lalitgiri), are important archaeological sites.
- Which literary sources mention Odisha?
- The Mahabharata, Ramayana, and various Puranas mention Odisha and its ancient kingdoms.
- How did the Kalinga War affect Emperor Ashoka?
- The Kalinga War transformed Ashoka, leading him to embrace Buddhism and promote peace.
- What is the significance of the Asokan edicts?
- The Asokan edicts provide insights into the administrative practices and moral governance during Ashoka’s reign in Kalinga.